Blog Forty-One After Salvation, How Shall We Live? Part Eleven
Does the Scriptures mention homosexuality? Absolutely, there is no new sin under the sun. Satan has always thrown out a strategy to tempt...
Blog Forty: What Did Jesus Say About Lust Gone Wrong? Part Ten
Besides , the God who created us; our emotions and chemistry gave us instructions on how to live a fulfilling and contented life....
Blog Thirty-Nine How then shall we live? Part Nine
We continue with Biblical guidance for the subject of “lust gone wrong. “ Most unlawful sexual sin; activity outside of God’s design, (of...
Blog Thirty-Eight After Salvation How shall I live? Part Eight of this series
"Satan always tries to turn upside down and destroy the things God made to be beautiful." As we have studied; God created sex to be...
Blog Thirty-Seven After Salvation How Shall We Live? Part Seven
The culture today pushes the church to disregard Biblical laws of human conduct and accept every sexual sin named in the Bible as normal...
Blog Thirty-Six After Salvation How Shall We Live? Part Six
The Basics of Christianity: God created sex to be beautiful in the confines of marriage. We just went through the Ten Commandments in the...
Blog Thirty-Five Part Six After Salvation How Shall We Live?
The Basics of Christianity: Is The Ten Commandments for us today? What are the specific named Biblical sins? God gave Moses a list of...
Blog Thirty/Three After Salvation How Shall We Live? Part Four
Salvation is only the beginning of a lifelong relationship with God. Like any relationship, it must be developed: When a person really...
Blog Thirty-Two After Salvation, How Shall We live? Part Three
What is sin? This generation today seems totally confused on this subject. If the church is confused on this matter then how will they...
Blog Thirty-One After Salvation, How Shall We Live? Part Two
Can we lose our Salvation? This is a huge question that Modern Theologians have been divided on. Nothing is worth the risk of losing our...